Belfast Telegraph: “More than 4,000 apply within 24 hours”

More than 4,000 people responded to a recruitment drive to boost healthcare numbers in Northern Ireland within 24 hours of it going live.

The 4,031 who registered an interest included 931 clinical staff.

Health Minister Robin Swann said: “This is a really encouraging and positive response and I know the numbers will grow further.

“I want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has registered their interest and also express my gratitude to those involved in this campaign. It will make a huge difference.”

“It is truly heartening to see so many people across Northern Ireland backing the fightback against Covid-19 in so many different ways.”

The HSC Workforce Appeal is in addition to other initiatives to enhance the workforce, including the deployment of final-year nursing, midwifery, medical and social work students ahead of schedule.

Plans are also being extended to invite second-year nursing, midwifery, physio, radiography and occupational therapy students to also help support care delivery.

The workforce appeal is also keen to attract non-clinical workers to fill a range of paid vacancies, including porters, catering staff, cleaning and domestic services staff, laundry staff, ICT professionals, finance and payroll, call handlers, drivers, electricians, plumbers, joiners, warehousing and maintenance staff.

“Our message to people across all the staff groups is simple and urgent – Northern Ireland needs you.” Mr Swann added.

This article originally appeared in the Belfast Telegraph Newspaper.

The HSC Workforce Appeal was conceived, developed and managed by Healthdaq® (formerly known as HealthSectorTalent®) on behalf of the Department of Health, the five Health and Social Care (NHS) Trusts and Northern Ireland’s Ambulance Service.

Healthdaq at the NHS England CNO Summit

Global healthcare talent marketing company, Healthdaq® (formerly known as HealthSectorTalent®) has partnered with NHS England for its upcoming Chief Nursing Officer for England’s Summit in Birmingham 11-12 March.

Healthdaq alongside NHS Employers are this year’s Gold Sponsors in what promises to be an extra special Summit given it is also the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

According to Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England, “I am keen for the Summit to celebrate the fantastic contribution that nursing, midwifery and care staff make to enable delivery of the Long Term Plan.”

Managing Director and Head of Global Markets with Healthdaq, Stephen McLarnon, will also present a session at this year’s Summit on how NHS Trusts can future-proof their nursing supply, removing their dependency on Bank and Agency staff by building a more sustainable, ethically sourced supply of permanent nurses. View programme.

Healthdaq is a technology-driven global healthcare recruitment marketing company offering omni-channel direct sourcing solutions underpinned by our cloud-based application management platform, creating a better, more efficient recruitment experience for both employers and candidates.

Our mission is to become a global leader in healthcare talent marketing by making employer-led direct recruitment more effective and reliable, helping employers bypass the need to use expensive recruitment agencies.

We offer employers an extensive range of talent marketing products and services, including branding and creative design, traditional and digital recruitment advertising, employer-branded open days and job fairs with the option to manage all directly sourced candidates using a single technology platform.

We’re passionate about improving the entire candidate experience and we’re dedicated to simplifying how employers and candidates connect and engage globally, combing both marketing and technology to disrupt the multi-billion dollar healthcare recruitment industry.

Healthdaq is headquartered in Dublin with offices in London, Toronto and Melbourne.

A passion for innovation and performance lies at the heart of our success over the past 5 years.

Healthdaq at the NHS Employers Strategic Workforce Forum

Global healthcare talent marketing company Healthdaq® (formerly known as HealthSectorTalent®) has partnered with NHS Employers for their annual Strategic Workforce Forum in Birmingham next month.

The Strategic Workforce Forum is designed specifically for board-level workforce leaders in the NHS and is a two-day residential event taking place at the Belfry Hotel and Resort on 15-16 October 2019.

The event provides greater space for workforce leaders to think and explore key strategic workforce issues with key items on this year’s agenda including the NHS People Plan, the global labour market and developing OD capability.

Stephen McLarnon, Managing Director and Head of Global Markets with Healthdaq will present a session to NHS workforce leaders on the practical steps their organisations can take to improve their flow of candidate applications and recruit more doctors, nurses and allied health professionals directly.

In a session themed Clinicians On-Demand – How to Strategically Build a Talent Pool of Directly Sourced Healthcare Professionals, Stephen will examine the blockages and challenges to employers recruiting directly in local, national and international markets. The session will also include practical tips using real NHS examples, to help employers improve their flow of direct candidate applications.

Stephen will be accompanied by Brenda Carter, Head of Resourcing, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, who will give a short presentation on how the Trust has successfully developed a recruitment pipeline of directly sourced nurses from overseas.

For more information and details on how to book your place visit the NHS Employers Strategic Workforce Forum website – Click Here.

BBC News: “Over 200 Australian Nurses Recruited by NHS Trust”

Some 237 Australian nurses are due to arrive at a UK hospital after a successful recruitment campaign.

The first few are due to start work at Bedford Hospital in December, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

Bedford Borough councillors have been told that will leave the hospital in surplus after a nursing shortage.

Hospital chief executive Stephen Conroy said nearly all its Spanish nurses left in February, with uncertainty over Brexit being blamed.

The council’s health overview and scrutiny committee heard the NHS hospital had turned around a nursing shortage of “about 24%” six months ago.

Deirdre Fowler, director of nursing at the hospital, said: “It’s a very positive outlook from a nursing perspective.”

She said they could expect to be “double-rostered” with other staff at first to orientate themselves.

She added that the hospital had been carrying out extensive recruitment in the UK, as well as having a successful “grow your own” policy for nurses.

Labour councillor Abu Sultan asked Mr Conroy if a no-deal Brexit for the UK’s departure from the European Union at the end of October could change the situation with hospital staffing.

Mr Conroy said: “Almost all our Spanish nurses left by February, because they were expecting Brexit on 31 March.”

“We’ve mapped all our European staff, and which departments they are in.”

“They are spread evenly across the organisation, so there is no risk if they all did return [to their home countries], which they don’t because there is an agreement. No particular area is at risk.”

A hospital spokesperson said the offers of work to the 237 Australian nurses were provisional and dependent on pre-employment checks.

They were expected to take up their posts in batches over the next 12-18 months.

This article originally appeared on the BBC website.

Bedford Hospital NHS Trust attended the British Nursing events in Australia organised by Healthdaq® (formerly known as HealthSectorTalent®).

Belfast Trust wins recruitment award

The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust walked away with the much coveted Best Recruitment Initiative of the Year Award at the annual Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) Excellence in HR Awards last night in the Hilton Manchester Deansgate.

Amidst a chronic shortage of nurses in the UK and Ireland, the Belfast Trust decided to take a less than traditional approach to the promotion of their annual Nursing Recruitment Open Day with the objective of reducing the Trust’s 486 Band 5 registered nurse vacancies.

A total of 233 nurses attended the Trust’s event in April 2018 and 122 nurses have since accepted and have either commenced employment with the Trust.

The event led to a reduction in the Trust’s Band 5 registered nurse vacancies by 25.1% and saved over £1.2m when compared to recruiting 122 nurses from the Philippines or India.

The impact of having an additional 122 nurses working on the wards also reduced the Trust’s need for temporary agency nurses required to backfill the equivalent shifts of 122 Band 5 nurses at an estimated cost of £6,100,000 per annum.

The HPMA Awards are judged by senior HR professionals including Executive Directors of Workforce and Human Resources working in the NHS.

The judges had the following comments to make about the Belfast Trust’s winning entry.

“Excellent campaign. Clearly thought out, well scoped and executed. The use of different channels and not restricting the campaign to traditional methods clearly worked. The use of a trusted partner, and analysis of value for money versus International recruitment clearly delivered results.”

“A clear and simple strategy well executed with clear evidence to demonstrate impact. Like the video and the branding. Clearly made impressive savings compared with other potential recruitment methods.”

“Loved the strategy identify, attract recruit. New idea of vox-pox interviews with existing staff as a recruitment tool. Excellent conversion rate and impressive attendance at the recruitment events.”

The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust’s Nursing Recruitment Open Day was organised and managed by Healthdaq® (formerly known as HealthSectorTalent®).