Northern Ireland’s Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed the relaunch of the Department’s Workforce Appeal to boost staff numbers to assist in the battle against Covid-19.

The initial appeal in March, designed, built and managed by Healthdaq® (formerly known as HealthSectorTalent®) generated a total of 18,719 expressions of interest with 11,867 of these applicants converting into formal applications based on their occupation, experience and the demand from Trusts.

Overall, 1,702 applicants from the previous campaign were deemed to be recruited with 658 currently on standby in the Trust’s corporate staff banks, 145 applicants have been offered a job and are pending their acceptance with 899 appointed and deployed in the service.

Minister Swann said:

“This was a phenomenal response at such a challenging time and I thank each and every one of those applicants for stepping up at that time. We have now re-opened the workforce appeal to build capacity again with particular focus on certain roles and positions. I would urge anyone with the relevant skills and experience to consider applying to join or return to the health service. We are in an evolving situation that may require further recruitment drives going forward and we will continue to monitor the situation closely.”

The new Appeal went live on Friday 2 October 2020.

Originally Published on Department of Health, Northern Ireland Website – Read Original Release