talent solutions

Recruitment technology

Healthdaq Cloud is a healthcare specific talent acquisition platform with interactive candidate database and applicant tracking system for employers that also includes secure online document wallets for applicants.

The only talent acquisition platform built exclusively for healthcare

Healthdaq Cloud was born out of necessity – the urgent need for Northern Ireland’s five health and social care Trusts, ambulance service and public health agency to recruit at scale and pace during the COVID-19 pandemic across the whole of system.

At the core of Healthdaq Cloud is our interactive candidate relationship management (CRM) module that creates a single view of all of the employer’s candidate data captured using the platform. Our applicant tracking system (ATS) is also built within the platform, and enables employers to streamline their end-to-end recruitment process with candidates stored in their CRM or from recruitment marketing activities. Our ATS features integrated communication and selection tools, including the option for employers to request candidates to complete pre-recorded video interviews.

Employers using our platform

The all-in-one hiring platform

Employers can transform their end-to-end recruitment from attraction through to onboarding with Healthdaq Cloud.

Supports attraction

Omni-channel recruitment marketing module including job board integration

Improves selection

Automated workflows with system hosted booking for scheduling interviews

Accelerates onboarding

Secure candidate e-wallets for storing and sharing credentials and documents

Benefits for employers


Software as a Service (SaaS)

Talent pooling

Dynamic workflows

Video interviewing

Digital onboarding

Automated processes

Dashboard analytics

Let’s Get Started

Our recruitment technology
is built for healthcare.